In practically every aspect of life, it’s better to prevent something from happening rather than reacting when it does happen. For the owner of any vehicle, this is one of the most important rules to remember when it comes to maintenance. Your vehicle’s engine goes through a lot, but you have options for keeping it in the best shape possible. Here are a few ways to protect your vehicle from engine issues that might pop up later.
Your engine has several filters that help ensure its overall environment encounters as few contaminants as possible. Whatever these contaminants might be—dust, debris, or insects—they can do serious damage to your engine if they aren’t caught before they make it inside.
Checking your filters regularly to make sure they are still working is crucial for keeping your engine in tip-top shape. Specifically, you want to make sure your air filter is clean and can allow enough air to make it into your combustion chamber. Your fuel filter will also need regular cleaning or replacements to ensure your engine only receives pure fuel.
The easiest way to protect your vehicle from engine issues is to always change your oil according to your vehicle’s owner’s manual. Engine oil is essential for your engine to run smoothly and efficiently, but that oil gets old and grimy over time. Replacing this oil every few thousand miles helps keep everything lubricated and cool enough to run as it should.
Every vehicle is different when it comes to oil changes, and the oil you use also plays a crucial role. If you have someone else do your oil changes, make sure that you know how long the oil they use can last and when you’ll need to go back in for a replacement.
Similar to your own body’s health, there are visible and invisible warning signs for when your engine might be in trouble. Learning to recognize these signs and acting quickly to address them will help protect your engine from lingering issues that get worse over time.
Your check engine light being on is obviously one of the most egregious signs that something could be wrong. If anything seems to be leaking out of the bottom of your vehicle, that could also indicate an issue. Pay close attention to the way your car sounds and smells as well; if there are any major changes in either, you could have engine troubles on your hands.
To make sure your engine runs as perfectly as it can, check out the selection of diesel truck performance parts at Norcal Diesel Performance. They’re a great way to give your engine a leg up, no matter how you use your truck.
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