There are few things scarier than driving your vehicle and feeling like you’re not in control of it. Certain hazards that you can’t control, such as other drivers and road conditions, are bad enough; it’s even worse when the problem comes from your car itself. The steering systems of our vehicles—especially of powerful vehicles like diesel trucks—are integral to keeping us and others on the road safe from harm. If you think that something is wrong with your steering system, don’t wait to get it checked by a professional or service it yourself.
But how do you know if it’s your steering system that’s the problem? There are a number of tell-tale signs of a faulty steering system. Some are more obvious than others, so you need to be vigilant when it comes to checking for these signs. We’ll take you through the signs you need to watch out for to ensure you aren’t taken by surprise by a steering system mishap.
A vibrating steering wheel is one of the more obvious causes of concern when it comes to your steering. There are cases in which a vibrating steering wheel can mean that your wheels are not aligned properly, but problems with your power steering could also be the culprit. Over time, certain foreign materials and contaminants can get stuck in the steering system, which can make the wheel start to vibrate. A good flush of your power steering system can help alleviate this problem.
Sometimes, strange things can happen when you attempt to turn your wheel one way or the other. If you feel that your steering wheel starts to slip a little bit when you turn it (and especially when you hold your steering wheel in a turning position), you can be pretty sure that you have a problem somewhere in your steering system as a whole. The power steering system could be the problem, but it’s also likely that certain parts, such as belts or rack mounts, may be the cause of this issue as well. You may need to bring in some new parts to make sure this doesn’t keep happening.
Your steering wheel shouldn’t require a lot of force from you in order to turn smoothly. When you start to notice that you need to apply a lot of extra pressure to turn the wheel, don’t just accept it; you need to fix it as soon as possible. You could have this problem if your system is low on power steering fluid, which might indicate that you have a leak somewhere in the line. If your hoses seem fine, it could also indicate that your wheels are out of alignment and need an adjustment to get back in working order.
One of the clearest tell-tale signs of a faulty steering system occurs when you start to hear new noises that you haven’t heard before. Obviously, your car has plenty of parts that can make odd noises, but you’ll specifically want to listen for a whining or squealing noise as you use your steering wheel. These noises could mean that you have a belt that needs a replacement or that your steering fluid is low. If you hear a clunking sound, you should service it immediately, as this can signal that your CV joints are beginning to wear down.
While it’s hard to pinpoint the exact cause of these leaks, they do happen, and you need to address them quickly. If you see a steering fluid leak, it’s likely that you’ve blown a gasket, or one of your fittings is loose. As your steering fluid leaks, you run the risk of overheating your steering rack, which can lead to other nasty problems you’ll also need to fix. These leaks tend to happen near the back of your car, and the fluid can be a red or pinkish color.
There are two clear indicators that something is wrong with your power steering fluid. If you notice that it appears discolored, it is likely that water has somehow entered the system and messed with the fluid. The other problem is if you notice that your steering fluid looks foamy. Foaming steering fluid could mean that excess air entered the system and contaminated the fluid.
Having your vehicle start to pull to one side isn’t just annoying—it’s dangerous for you and everyone else on the road. If your car has this problem, the root cause is most likely a steering gear that has worn down. These gears can wear down quite quickly if your steering fluid doesn’t properly lubricate them as they work. Search around for any possible leaks, and you may find one that caused those gears to lack lubrication.
For the most part, you shouldn’t need to move your steering wheel a great distance before your vehicle starts to actually turn. Having an excessive amount of play in your steering wheel before it moves your vehicle at all is a sign of a serious problem. It could indicate that your steering gear is worn down or faulty. A good rule of thumb to follow is that you shouldn’t have to move your steering wheel more than an inch before your vehicle starts moving in that direction. Anything more than that, and you might have a steering system problem on your hands.
We know that our customers care deeply about their vehicles, which is why we supply only the best parts to ensure quality. At Norcal Diesel Performance, we have the parts that you need to keep your truck running smoothly. Check out our shop for quality Duramax steering parts that ensure your steering system is running at full capacity. The last thing you want to deal with is your steering giving out on you in a critical situation, so the more proactive you are now, the safer you’ll be in the future.
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