There’s a lot to appreciate about a diesel truck, even though it might have quite a few years under its hood. It’s one of the best aspects of owning a diesel truck—their longevity is second to none. However, modern advances in other vehicles can start to look pretty attractive after driving the same truck for many years. Luckily, you can make your truck just as smart as new models with a few alterations. Here are three ways to turn your diesel truck into a smart truck.
Nowadays, almost everything we do has some form of connectivity to the Internet, and it can be annoying to deal with not having the option to use it. Many newer car and truck models can be outfitted with Wi-Fi connectivity thanks to a modem or router built into the vehicle. Even older diesel trucks have the option of adding a modem or router to their arsenal, allowing you to have the best parts of a diesel truck as well as internet connectivity.
Infotainment units are standard in plenty of different models from a wide variety of manufacturers. The great thing about these units is that you can install them into older vehicles with the right adaptors. Infotainment units are excellent upgrades because they can help you out in a plethora of different ways. Certain units offer entertainment options for children to keep them occupied on long drives. You can set your truck up wherever you want and relax by watching a show or movie on the console.
If you need a way to turn your diesel truck into a smart truck but you mostly want it for the performance upgrades, you can’t do much better than adding a programmer or engine tuner. Both programmers and tuners offer you a lot more control over how your engine works in different scenarios. You can set them to focus on fuel efficiency if you’re heading out for a long drive, or you can set them to focus on performance when you need more horsepower or torque for hauling.
Norcal Diesel Performance has a wide selection of tuners and programmers to make your diesel truck a bit smarter. Check out our Ford Powerstroke tuner if you want to give your Ford truck a big boost to its overall performance.
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