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Sinister Diesel Blue Spring Kit with Adjustable Billet Spring Housing for 2003-2007 Ford Powerstroke 6.0L


Sinister Diesel Blue Spring Kit with Adjustable Billet Spring Housing for 2003-2007 Ford Powerstroke 6.0L


Limited Supply: only 4 remaining
Availability: Texas:2 Indiana:2
Pricing: $106.99

Free Ground Shipping


The easy 30 minute install of the new updated "Blue Spring" will increase your fuel pressure back up to where it should be from the factory. Most 6.0's see an increase of 10 psi of fuel pressure. The added fuel pressure will help keep the injectors from out flowing the stock fuel pump, meaning no air in the injectors, and an injector that will live much longer. Most trucks will actually quite down a little at idle, rev up a lot quicker and with the added fuel pressure, a little quicker spool up on the turbo. The kit does include all the O-Rings and hard parts to rebuild the fuel pressure housing.

Another major bonus is that this block has an adjuster screw in it. This will allow you to bump pressure up a little for big injectors. Or after the spring settles after years of abuse, just loosen up the jam nut, and run the adjuster screw in a turn or two to get your fuel pressure back to where you want it. Every body has their own opinion of fuel pressure in a 6.0L Powerstroke, why not choose for yourself, we recommend setting it between 55-68psi.

This kit also comes with a Brand New Billet Aluminum housing to keep the regulator sprig set and to prevent leaks from the housing. This is a much thicker, stronger billet piece than the factory Cast Aluminum spring housing. The factory unit is known to leak or "weep" fuel from the sides. This kit will also help clean up the look of the factory filter housing as well.

 Compatible with F-series and Excursion ONLY. NOT Compatible with E-series.

  • Kit comes Complete with everything needed for install
  • Billet machined Aluminum spring housing
  • New "Blue Spring" with gaskets
  • Helps save Injectors from low fuel pressure



Shipping Information

  • Item Requires Shipping
  • 1.0 lbs.
  • W2.0000” x H2.0000” x L2.0000”
  • Free Ground Shipping

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