Injector balance rates and IQA codes are two different things but they are also connected. These terms can be complicated so lets break it down for the crayon eaters.
Balance rates are adjustments made by the vehicle engine computer to "balance" injector output. This creates a smoother running engine, quieter injection and better performance.
Nothing is perfect in this world, engines and fuel systems are no different. Two exact same fuel injectors that are built side by side in a factory can perform differently enough to cause a performance issue, misfires or even check engine light for the customer. This is usually due to the starting product. When parts are new or remanufactured they are built up from the sum of smaller parts. Basic I know, but we're going slow here so bear with me.
The starting product can be made of a core parts or new parts. Core parts are old or failed injectors that are returned to the manufacturer to be rebuilt. Some of the core parts are less than great quality. This, along with cheap new parts or seals, is where you get low grade or varying quality of remanufactured parts.
Let think about what a cheap part gets you? Maybe, back on the road and that's about it. You can forget about quality or longevity. Warranty? Probably, but you will likely get really good at changing the part.
This reminds me of an engine rebuilder that has a volume over quality mentality. Their theory was if they clean up or reuse as many parts as possible, sell it with a warranty and advertise like crazy they would sell a bunch of engines. If they had to warranty 2 of 10 orders they still won on 8. That was a left turn, who is steering this ship. Enough sniffing glue here, lets get back to the subject.
The other end of this spectrum is all new or a quality remanufactured part. Bosch is one of the biggest fuel injection manufacturers in the world. They often offer remanufactured and new options on mostly everything they make.
Here are two examples for an LB7 Duramax. New and Reman. LB7 NEW Injector and LB7 Reman Injector
The cost difference between the two are significant. The reman also usually has a core charge, because the remanufacturer wants your old parts back to keep that cycle going. The new injector is just that, all new parts. Also if there are any updates to a part that would be built into the new castings. LB7 injectors had a problem with the injector bodies cracking causing a fuel leak into the crankcase. The new injectors have an improved body that prevent cracking.
IQA codes are super simple. It's a calibration from the factory based on injector flow. Manufacturers use these to fine tune injector performance. If an injector is supposed to flow 1000cc and it flow 950cc the flow rate calibration tells the computer to increase the duration or pulse width of injection to compensate for lower flow. Same thing if it flows too much. The code will decrease injector pulse width. Now these numbers are just speculative and not accurate to any vehicle so don't get all technical and call the forum police on me. The whole idea is to make the vehicle run as smooth and reliable as possible and give the customer a better driving experience.
You can program the codes with most decent scan tools. Some models require you to transfer the codes to another module. GM is really big on this which is actually not a bad idea. If you were to ever have a PCM failure the codes are always in the glow plug module. See that? I gave GM a pat on the back for doing something right. Don't let it go to your head.
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